3. Jealousy, regret, and hatred all arise from the love triangle. Hagar has contempt with Sarah because she conceived Abram's child. Sarah has contempt with Abram as well,"And sarah said to Abram, "May the wrong done to me be on you! I gave my servant to your embrace and when she saw that she had conceived she looked on me with contempt. May the LORD judge between you and me!" Regret is evident because Sarah willingly allowed her servant and husband to have sex. She felt degraded when her slave looked at her with contempt. Gender plays a huge role in the story. The hatred women have for each-other is seen here. The social status of Sarah and Abram was very high and their slave Hagar was not, thus she got betrayed and sufferd. The only role of women is shown clearly in this chapter. Their role is to conceive, even woman are expected too for other woman. Women are forced to have children no matter how old they get in the story.
4. God tests Abram's loyalty with such a horrific test to see if he will disregard his ethics and morals to make God happy, as that is the best way for God to see Abram's true devotion to him. God needs more proof despite Abram's departure to Egypt because he has witnessed betrayal and has been lied to; he is the first to see dishonesty play it's role. This could say that Abram's relationship to the divine will never be fully there or committed because of the significant power God withholds. The relationship is that Abram does what ever it is that God tells him to, even if it's a sin, he must. Abram explains to Isaac that, "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering.." and that is the reason why a human sacrifice shows Abram's true devotion and appreciation for god.
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